17 days until the Canada West Qualifier!

CF Lethbridge WOD for April 14, 2009:
For Time:
1000m Row
30 WB Shots (14#)
50 Double Unders
30 Ball Slams (14#)
50 Med Ball Presses (14#)

Sort of funny thing happened to me yesterday. I was downstairs watching some TV, phone rang so I got up and started running to get upstairs. Slipped on our cement floor IN BARE FEET and fell HARD on my hand/wrist. It hurt so bad! The only thing that I could think about was that I sure hope it's not broken because I don't have enough time for this. Not broken, but sore. I can move it fine, but throwing that ball around kinda hurt this morning.

I'm starting to feel more confident in these workouts with rowing in them. Joining this rowing challenge with Concept 2 was probably the best thing for learning how I need to approach these rows for workouts. I'm consistantly getting 4:22-4:26 for 1000m rows without pushing too hard and able to continue a workout afterwards. Hoping this will bring down my 2000m time now too.

Seeing the workouts for the Great Basin Qualifier really pumped me up yesterday! I think those are some of the best workouts that will find the best OVERALL CrossFitter. The posted workouts didn't gear towards any athlete that specializes in one thing. Sure the small guys have the advantage in the squats and HSPU, but the heavy deadlifts kill them. And then those guys with great technique will fly through the snatches, but for the beasts that just muscle around the weights will probabaly get pretty sore doing so. Excited to find out the end result of that qualifier!

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