8 days until the Canada West Qualifier!

This is what Lethbridge looked like last night on my way home from work. All I can tell you it is 5x worse today!
CF Lethbridge WOD for April 23, 2009:
"Fight Gone Bad":
3 Rounds for Max Points:
1 min WB Shots (14# to 10' target)
1 min SDHP (55#)
1 min Box Jumps (20" box)
1 min Push Press (55#)
1 min Row for calories
1 min Rest
YES! I've been wanting to get over 300. Last time we did this one my score was 265, so I had a 56 point improvement. Pretty good considering this workout is made up of everything that are my "weaknesses". I went in with a plan and tried to stick with it. Earned a couple of "insurance reps" as Chad calls them, in the first round just incase I got into an "accident" in the 3rd round.
Because of that I was able to get above what I was planning for today.
I was better on the SDHP that I thought I was and it always puts me in a good mental space when I'm at the same pace on wall ball shots as one of my training partners, Cory (he's a beast on those by the way... 6:00 Karen time).
I am so ready for the qualifiers! BRING EM ON! Setting out a plan and achieving it plus more, AND feeling like I rocked those "goat" exercises really puts me in the best mental state I can be in. Hoping alot of gym members from CFLA come up to Calgary to watch. It will be great to have some friends cheering Chad and I on. I know it will really help for those last couple reps!

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