60 days until Canada West Qualifications!

CF Lethbridge WOD for Match 2, 2009:
5x 4 min/1min rest:
3 BW Deadlift (115#)
3 C2B Pullups
5 Pushups
3MB Cleans (20#)
6 Ass to Grass Squats

5 rds + 1 DL
3 rds + 2 Pushups
3 rds + 1 Pullup
3 rds + 5 Pushups
3 rds + 2 Pullups

Used a slightly heavier weight than bodyweight (108#) for the deadlifts, as that is one area I am trying to improve. Legs were burning big time from the DL, cleans and squats. I usually do C2B pullups so those weren't bad, but the extra depth on the squats makes a huge difference. Feels like a completely different movement all together.

New month, new goals. Trying to achieve a 115# snatch, 130# clean & jerk, 230# deadlift, 1:56 - 500m Row, and hit up a benchmark WOD this month with a significant PR.

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