CF Lethbridge WOD for March 4, 2009:
7 Rounds for Time:
7 Push Press (65#)
7 SumoDeadlift High Pull (65#)
10 Box Jumps
Goal was about 7 minutes, but I went out too fast in the first round (like always) and was sucking wind big time. Need to learn how to pace myself out of the gates a bit better so I can drive it home better in the final rounds. More so for WODs I've never done before... repeat WODs or Named/Hero WODs are a different story.
There's been alot of talk about stats on the Games page and other affiliate pages too. I've been finding that people aren't so quick to share their weaknesses or their "slowest" times. So... I'll post the list of Named/Hero WODs I've tried and 1RM weights. Copy and paste the list and post your stats to comments!
30 Muscle Ups - 6:45 (Dec '08)
Angie - 18:30 (April '08)
Annie - 5:14 (Nov '08)
Barbara - 19:48 (Jan '09)
Chelsea - 17 rounds (Feb '09)
Christine - 11:46 (Nov '08)
Cindy - 18 (May '08)
Diane - 9:48 (155#) (Jan '09)
FGB - 265 (July '08)
Filthy Fifty - 20:09 (Nov '08)
Fran - 4:41 (Sept '08)
Helen - 12:58 (March '08)
Jackie - 8:25 (Oct '08)
Karen - 10:06 (Dec '08)
Nancy - 17:29 (Aug '08)
Nate - 6 rounds (March '08)
Nicole - 108 in 5 rounds (Oct '08)
Yet to try: Badger, Bear, Daniel, Elizabeth, Erin, Eva, GI Jane, Grace, Griff, Gwen, Isabel, Jason, Josh, Joshie, Jeremy, JT, Kelly, Linda, Lynne, Mary, Michael, Mr Joshua, Murph, Nasty Girls, Randy, Tommy V
1RM Clean & Jerk - 125# (Feb '09)
1RM Deadlift - 220# (Dec '08)
1RM Front Squat - 140# (Oct '08)
1RM Back Squat - 175# (Feb '09)
1RM Overhead Squat - 140# (Feb '09)
1RM Press - 80# (Feb '09)
1RM Push Press - 105# (Aug '08)
1RM Push Jerk - 145# (Feb '09)
1RM Snatch - 115# (Feb '09)
3RM Thruster - 105# (Jan '09, never tried a 1RM)
1RM Bench Press - 120# (Dec '08)
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