Christine Reinhart and I performing a two person deadlift.
Man I have come a long way since then (this was taken January 2008). Back when I could care less about CrossFit or working out.
OPT WOD for March 31, 2009:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Rep Rounds:
KB Swing (16kg)
Anchored AbMat Situps
Really disappointed with this performance. I'm exhausted from my loooong hours of work last week, but no excuses. I didn't try and I didn't have the motivation to try. This should have been MY workout. I should have owned it.
Warming up and Chad asked me which workout I was going to do, the CF Lethbridge or the OPT. My response was "well I think I'm going to do the OPT WOD because the movements are a little easier". WTF? Seriously... why the heck would the words "OPT" and "easier" EVER be in the same sentance. And why the heck is a sentance like that coming out of my mouth with only 31 days left until the Qualifiers!
I need a serious kick in the pants. I will try to sleep in tomorrow and actually ATTACK a workout late AM. Both Europe and Australia have their Games Qualifiers this weekend and the WODs are posted, so I may choose one of those. They must have worked together to select the workouts because their workouts are very similar.
Then I plan on hitting up CrossFit Edmonton and/or CrossFit Lineage when I'm up in Edmonton for the weekend. Scope out the chicks (and dudes) that plan on attending the qualifier and see how Southern Alberta is stacking up ;) Just for you Lauren!
OPT WOD for March 30, 2009:
Work up to a heavy single snatch balance 52.27kg
5 min rest
AMRAP Pullups 50
5 min rest
Bear Complex 29.55kg
5 min rest
AMRAP Pullups 39
Score = 170.82
Felt this one in the shoulders big time! Enjoyed it though... have never done bear complex or heavy snatch balance so again I was guessing at the weights to use. Could have went a couple of kg heavier in both snatch balance and bear complex. I love AMRAP pullups though! Could have gotten a couple more both times, but the cut on the inside of my thumb was really throbbing. I tried to block it out, but it just wasn't happening today.
Speal teaching the Kipping Pullup
OPT WOD for March 26, 2009:
3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Power Snatch; 240 sec rest between sets
1.1.1 x 5 Three Position Power Snatch; 120 sec rest between sets
5 min rest
10 min AMRAP Double Unders
38.64kg power snatch + 31.82kg three position power snatch + 652 double unders
Score = 722.46
Didn't know what weights to use for this one, as I don't have much exposure to the movement. Should have went heavier on the three position power snatch, but almost glad I didn't because my shoulders were BURNING throughout the double unders. I didn't really get "tired" in the double unders, the limiting factor on that one for me was the fatigued shoulders.
PS... my abs are still INSANELY sore from the 175 GHD situps I did on Tuesday!
CrossFit Level 1 Cert in Calgary; photo courtesy of
OPT WOD for March 25, 2009:
5 Rounds for points:
AMRAP Overhead Squat (95#); 60 sec rest
AMRAP Muscle Up in 60 sec; 120 sec rest
1. 12/10
2. 9/8
3. 9/11
4. 9/8
5. 8/8
Total = 92
My abs are crazy sore from the GHD situps yesterday. I'm organizing a rowing challenge here at CF Lethbridge and I feel bad because I got on the rower afterwards to put in a couple 1000m, but that was not happening because of my abs. OMG! I'm also blaming my lower scores on the OHS on my abs as well. 95# isn't crazy heavy for overhead squats, but it is only 15# away from body weight and I can get 12 of those at that weight. Pleased with my MU numbers though since I was going into the workout with a nasty tear on my wrist from working muscle ups at the cert.
Getting ready for "On Call" Med Ball Clean & Jerk at the CF Level 1 Cert
OPT WOD for March 23, 2009:
7 Rounds, with 90 sec rest between rounds:
20 KB Swings (1.5pood)
10 Handstand Pushups (nose to floor)
25 GHD Situps
3:19, 3:57, 4:24, 4:17, 4:14, 4:20, 4:37
Total = 29:08
Swings were heavy, but managable. HSPU were moderate the first two rounds then quickly became difficult where I was only doing them in singles, but still made sure my nose touched each time. GHD Situps were not that bad... stopped once each round during these because I had the worlds worst headache!
Hanging out with Chris Spealler!
Day 2: CF Level 1 Cert
Day 1: CrossFit Level 1 Cert!
WOW! What and amazing experience so far! To spend 8+ hours in a room full of 50 other people who are as passionate about something as you are, is an amazing feeling. Plus, getting to chat it up with Chris Spealler is worth every penny!
Working on the 9 basic movements of CrossFit... squat-front squat-overhead squat, press-push press-push jerk, deadlift-SDHP-med ball clean... with these trainers is great experience. Even if you have spot on technique in every movement, the cues the provide to the athletes of various abilities is worth it. Plus, knowing that you're on the right track is great too!
Squat-front squat-overhead squat with Speal. Working on keeping the lower back and hamstrings engaged in the movement. Talked about shoulder flexibility (or lack there of for some) and things to do until the individual works on their flexibility.
Group WOD = Tabata Squats! Speal was right infront of me. Goal was to try to keep up with him for at least 3 sets. Goal achieved! Scores: 26-26-26-26-25-24-24-24. Speal held a 26 across all 8 rounds.
Got to watch the trainers attach a WOD during the lunch break. 10 rounds of: 10 OHS, 7 box jumps at 30+", 5 C2B pullups. Got that one on video! Again, Speal is a machine! But watching Nadia bust out those pullups and Lisa killing the overhead squats was pretty amazing too.
More lectures and finishing up with the other movements. Then because we "behaved good" we were presented with a reward... "FRAN"! FACK! What is it with CrossFit and "Fran"!? It's over rated! I was not in the right mindset to tackle this workout when they announced what we would be doing. Took a couple of minutes, collected my thoughts and busted it out. Managed to complete the 21 reps of thrusters and pullups all unbroken. Then completely died on the 15 thursters, pullups were cake, dead again on the 9 thrusters, 9 pullups were cake for a time of 4:36 for my first REAL Fran. Thank you to everyone who came up afterwards to congratulate me... it means alot that you can find my performance inspiring.
More to come tomorrow... plus a TON of pictures!
1-1-1-1 Press
86.5# (PR)
Opted to build to a heavy one rep rather than doing the posted metcon. Taking tomorrow off of training to recover. My legs are still not back to 100% since that run. They aren't sore anymore, I just don't have the juice as proven by the poor performance in the burpee squat combo from yesterday.
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 17, 2009:
Complete for Time:
17 Pushups
17 Dips
17 Knees to Elbows
17 Box Jumps
17 Pullups
17 Thrusters (65#)
17 SDHP (65#)
17 Squats
17 Situps
17 WB Shots (14#)
17 Double Unders
17 Power Lunges
17 Cal Row
17 Figure 8 Med Ball Passes
17 KB Swings (35#)
17 Tuck Jumps
17 Shuttle Runs 50ft
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 18, 2009:
20 Rounds for Time:
3 Burpees
5 Squats
Missed posting yesterday. I was way too busy with work and rowing some extra meters for the World Rowing Challenge that my affiliate is participating in. As of 7:40am on March 18 we are sitting in 30th place (out of 161 teams) and have a total team score of 163,000m.
Going to take it easy tomorrow, probably make it a "lift day" and take Friday off. Hips and shins are still bugging me from the run and don't want to be sore for my Level 1 Cert this weekend. Pumped up! Speal will be one of the intructors, so I'm getting excited to finally meet the guy! Would it be wierd if I asked him to sign my t-shirt?
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 16, 2009:
Tabata Mashup
Modified Pushups 31/17/21/17/17/17/12/17
Pullups 18/13/11/10/11/10/12/13
Total = 247
Shins are still really sore from the Moonlight Run, so it's a good thing we had an easier day consisting of arms. Participating in the Concept 2 Rowing Challenge from now until April 15th and rowed 2698m this morning and plan on going back in at 10am before work to rack in some more meters for the day.
Snatch Video from Friday's Training Session
6km Moonlight Run
33:27 - 6th in the 20-24W Category
First running race ever... my joints ache today big time! I can't believe people run for fun. How can you put your body through this type of pain everyday. I'm sure runners say the same thing about CrossFit, but it's NOT the same. I can handle muscle soreness and fatigue that CrossFit workouts give us, but running is just painful! My shin splints didn't flare up as bad as I thought they would, sore, but nothing like I experienced when I was in gymnastics. Knees, hips, and ankles are on fire this morning.
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 11, 2009:
30 sec on, 20 sec off for 4 Rounds:
Anchored Situps 23-22-20-21
Supermans 45-50-31-27
Sitting Fist Twists 70-68-70-65
Supine Knee Ins 32-24-23-25
Total = 612
Testing week is done! Pretty exhausted, not sore yet but I'm sure I will be feeling it tomorrow. Taking tomorrow as a rest day, as I am heading up to Calgary to coach another gymnastics competition. Training at CF Calgary Friday night, so we'll see what that brings. Hopefully I'll be able to post from my hotel that night.
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 10, 2009:
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 9, 2009:
1 min of work, 1 min of rest, 3 rounds:
Pullups 41/35/30
Pushups 31/28/28
KB Swings (35#) 27/25/26
Box Jumps 41/41/40
Squats 56/50/48
Total Reps = 547
Can't move my arms.... moving from Pullups to Pushups to KB swings was a killer. I was on the floor after every exercise. Gave it my all on every count of 3-2-1 GO.
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 6, 2009:
1-1-1-1-1 Push Jerk
Failed on last attempt, that's it. Jerking from behind the neck is much easier!!
Jetting off to Calgary now for another work competition!
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 5, 2009:
7 Rounds for Max Points (10 bonus points awarded if double under score is 3x the amount of the row):
1 min Row for calories
1 min AMRAP Double Unders
Rnd 1 = 13+82+10=105
Rnd 2 = 13+73+10=96
Rnd 3 = 12+75+10=97
Rnd 4 = 13+67+10=90
Rnd 5 = 13+65+10=88
Rnd 6 = 12+65+10 = 87
Rnd 7 = 12+68+10 = 90
Total = 653
Row is getting better. I'm really working on the leg action of the row and it's been working! My muscles aren't as fatigued after each attempt which is beneficial for WODs like Jackie. A little disappointed in my double under scores in the later rounds... would like to keep it above 70 each time. Goal is to get above 600 double unders in 10 min!
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 4, 2009:
7 Rounds for Time:
7 Push Press (65#)
7 SumoDeadlift High Pull (65#)
10 Box Jumps
Goal was about 7 minutes, but I went out too fast in the first round (like always) and was sucking wind big time. Need to learn how to pace myself out of the gates a bit better so I can drive it home better in the final rounds. More so for WODs I've never done before... repeat WODs or Named/Hero WODs are a different story.
There's been alot of talk about stats on the Games page and other affiliate pages too. I've been finding that people aren't so quick to share their weaknesses or their "slowest" times. So... I'll post the list of Named/Hero WODs I've tried and 1RM weights. Copy and paste the list and post your stats to comments!
30 Muscle Ups - 6:45 (Dec '08)
Angie - 18:30 (April '08)
Annie - 5:14 (Nov '08)
Barbara - 19:48 (Jan '09)
Chelsea - 17 rounds (Feb '09)
Christine - 11:46 (Nov '08)
Cindy - 18 (May '08)
Diane - 9:48 (155#) (Jan '09)
FGB - 265 (July '08)
Filthy Fifty - 20:09 (Nov '08)
Fran - 4:41 (Sept '08)
Helen - 12:58 (March '08)
Jackie - 8:25 (Oct '08)
Karen - 10:06 (Dec '08)
Nancy - 17:29 (Aug '08)
Nate - 6 rounds (March '08)
Nicole - 108 in 5 rounds (Oct '08)
Yet to try: Badger, Bear, Daniel, Elizabeth, Erin, Eva, GI Jane, Grace, Griff, Gwen, Isabel, Jason, Josh, Joshie, Jeremy, JT, Kelly, Linda, Lynne, Mary, Michael, Mr Joshua, Murph, Nasty Girls, Randy, Tommy V
1RM Clean & Jerk - 125# (Feb '09)
1RM Deadlift - 220# (Dec '08)
1RM Front Squat - 140# (Oct '08)
1RM Back Squat - 175# (Feb '09)
1RM Overhead Squat - 140# (Feb '09)
1RM Press - 80# (Feb '09)
1RM Push Press - 105# (Aug '08)
1RM Push Jerk - 145# (Feb '09)
1RM Snatch - 115# (Feb '09)
3RM Thruster - 105# (Jan '09, never tried a 1RM)
1RM Bench Press - 120# (Dec '08)
CF Lethbridge WOD for March 3, 2009:

CF Lethbridge WOD for Match 2, 2009:
5x 4 min/1min rest:
3 BW Deadlift (115#)
3 C2B Pullups
5 Pushups
3MB Cleans (20#)
6 Ass to Grass Squats
5 rds + 1 DL
3 rds + 2 Pushups
3 rds + 1 Pullup
3 rds + 5 Pushups
3 rds + 2 Pullups
Used a slightly heavier weight than bodyweight (108#) for the deadlifts, as that is one area I am trying to improve. Legs were burning big time from the DL, cleans and squats. I usually do C2B pullups so those weren't bad, but the extra depth on the squats makes a huge difference. Feels like a completely different movement all together.
New month, new goals. Trying to achieve a 115# snatch, 130# clean & jerk, 230# deadlift, 1:56 - 500m Row, and hit up a benchmark WOD this month with a significant PR.