Sorry it took so long for me to post my last day of three WODs... I left right after the last one for beautiful Canmore. First time going there. It was beautiful! I wish I could have stayed longer.

6am: I got up to go and help out for the class, but I couldn't resist going for a 5RM overhead squat and helping the team try to keep the Lift-A-Rama belt. Got to an easy 125# for 5 reps... could have went way more but I knew I still had two WODs ahead of me that day and we did a snatch complex the day before.

11am: WOD #1
5 Rounds for Time:
7 Muscle Ups
21 Burpees

That one was fun, yet killed the shoulders!! I like both of these movements but paired together they are dangerous. I like the look of "Jeremy" on paper too, but I'm starting to rethink that idea after this one.

2:30pm: WOD #2
5 Rope Climbs (13')
20 GHD Situps
4 Rope Climbs
20 GHD Situps
3 Rope Climbs
20 GHD Situps
2 Rope Climbs
20 GHD Situps
1 Rope Climb
20 GHD Situps

My hands and forearms were burning big time after this one. But what can I say... I like the gymnastics stuff!!

Total days time = 24:44

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