Ripping through the Pullups in WOD#4 at the Canada West Qualifiers
OPT WOD for May 14, 2009:
5 Rounds for Total Work Time:
10 Thrusters (65#)
20 Pullups
2 min Rest
Rnd 1 = 0:50
Rnd 2 = 0:52
Rnd 3 = 0:52
Rnd 4 = 0:55
Rnd 5 = 1:08
Total = 4:37
Goal was to complete all rounds unbroken. Almost did that... in the fifth round I slipped off the bar in the pullups. I wanted it so bad I tried to hang on but my arms were completely done and the grip failed. Thrusters tend to be a weakness of mine so to complete those all unbroken was pretty darn good. Not sure how this relates, but my last "Fran" time was 4:36 (45 thrusters and 45 pullups) and this workout I completed in 4:37 (50 thrusters, 100 pullups). Maybe, just maybe I can keep going on those thrusters next time I tackle "Fran"!
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