65 days until Canada West Qualifiers!

CF Lethbridge WOD for February 25, 2009:
KB Swings (35#) 10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10
Row (cal) 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4
WB Shots (14#) 12/10/8/8/6/6/6/8
Box Jumps 22/20/14/14/14/9/10/14
50ft Shuttle Runs 5/4/4/3.5/3/3/4/5

Couldn't get anymore than 10 on those darn KB swings, but was really making sure I was going to full lockout at top on every rep. Same with the row... no matter if I rowed hard or a little bit more relaxed I still got 4 cal. Could try a higher damper next time and see how that turns out. Crashed and burned on those box jumps. Usually one of my best movements, but performing two of my weaker movements beforehand really made me fatigued. Hoping I'm able to keep my box jumps above 40 the next time I go after FGB.

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