CF Lethbridge WOD for Thursday, September 17th:
30 Clean and Jerks for Time (95#)

First time ever doing Grace and I was thinking I'd be going much slower than that. I can't touch and go 95# clean and jerks for speed so I dropped every one. It's just too heavy on the way down to be sliding in and out of hook grip for me. Always, it's probably not a great Grace time compared to other ladies with the same goals as me, but I'm pleased with that for my first try.

2 Response to ""GRACE""

  1. Lauren says:
    September 17, 2009 at 1:41 PM

    I think that is a pretty damn sweet time if you ask me!!!

    Well done!!!!

  2. Katrina Burton says:
    September 17, 2009 at 2:09 PM

    Thanks Lauren! Means alot to me! Hoping I can maintain this standard of training throughout the year and be ready mentally for the next competition.

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