CF Lethbridge WOD for Wednesday, Spetember 16, 2009:
AMRAP 20 minutes:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
22 rounds + 5 pullups + 5 pushups

I didn't really have a goal in mind, I just knew I wanted to be over 20 rounds this time. The last time I attacked Cindy was a little over a year ago and got 18 rounds. So I am pleased with a 4 rounds improvement! Almost had the 23 rounds and probably could have if I pushed the last two a little bit more.

Pullups were great as always. Pushups are definately always going to be a struggle for me, but they felt good. First 8 rounds I did them unbroken and after that tried to break only once per set. Squats are a brain tease for me in that I get up and am glad to get a rest from the upper body stuff, but the legs get so jacked up as well. I have to stop in the pushups, so I try to fight through the pain of the squats, which I succeeded in.

I feel like I'm in a great spot right now both mentally and phsycially. Should start looking around for a nearby competition to test myself and prepare for the mental battle these Sectional and Regional Qualifiers will entail this year.

2 Response to ""CINDY""

  1. Robin says:
    September 16, 2009 at 11:23 PM

    Come to the Saskatchewan CrossFit Challenge, October 3rd in Saskatoon!!

  2. Katrina Burton says:
    September 17, 2009 at 6:47 AM

    Thanks for the invite Robin, but I have a huge work function that day. Otherewise I would be there!!

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