Hitting It Hard

Haven't posted for a while, so I thought it was time for an update.

This months we've been hitting up an achieved month (November 2005) of .com WODs. Tough to say the least, but I know how this programming is going to help push me to the next level.

Tons of PRs lately so I am pleased with how I'm doing.

Sept 2:
1-1-1-1-1-1 Snatch worked up to 110# (5# shy of tieing my PR)

Sept 4:
3 Rounds of
21 L-Pullups
6 L-Rope Climbs at 8'
20:18... Had to scale the L-pullups to the blue band. Could have done it but I'd be there all day.

Sept 5:
1-1-1-1-1 Back Squat worked up to 190#
New PR by 15# for me in that one. Took 3 tries before I successfully got up the 190#, but I wanted it bad. Hip was really feeling it afterwards. Heavy squatting is not good for my hip so usually I take it easy, but I wanted to go for it since back squats don't come up often.

Sept 6:
AMRAP 20 min
15 Push Jerks (65#)
15 Box Jumps (24")
15 Back Extensions
8 rounds + 7 push jerks

Sept 8:
Handstand Pushups
17:51... HSPU felt alittle bit off today as I didn't quite have the strength to power up as fast as usual. Chipped away and got it done. Pullups were easy as always. One break in the 50, otherwise those were unbroken.

Sept 9:
Front Squats (130#)
GHD Situps
DNF... Modified the front squats to 110#, as my 3RM is 140#. Tweaked my elbow in the first round, tried to push through but called it quits after the round of 18 reps. No need to injure myself.

Sept 10:
75 Power Snatch (55#)
5:32... Broke way too early. Should be able to complete at least the first 30 unbroken next time.

Sept 13:
Thurster (65#)
4:01... Aiming for sub-4 and alittle disappointed that I didn't get it, but happy with a 35sec PR on my second time doing this one RQed. First time was at my level 1 cert in March of '09.

Sept 14:
1 mile run
35 Box Jumps (20")
35 GHD Situps
6 Rope Climbs at 8'
35 Slam Balls (14#)
120ft DB Walking Lunges (20#/h)
35 DB Hang Squat Cleans (20#/h)
35 Ring Dips

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