Wow. The busy weekend has finished. I ended up competing in the Action Challenge... orginally I wasn't going to so that I could help Chad out with the judging and organizing. However, Chad said it would be a good idea to compete and get as much experience as I could before the lead up to next years games. For me experience is key. Walking into the Canada West Qualifier this year I feel like I was ready physically, but not mentally. I believed in myself sure, but I was a nervous mess during every workout except for maybe the run. The more experience I can gain, the more I can get those nerves out of the way.

WODs from the Action Challenge:
Saturday WOD 1:
For Time:
15 Power Cleans (95#)
100m Barbell Push
10 Front Squats (95#)
30 Barbell Side to Side Jumps
20 Deadlifts (95#)
100m Barbell Push
15 Burpees
200m Sprint
8:30 (2nd)

Saturday WOD 2:
1000m Row
Then 21-15-9:
Overhead Squats (65#)
Double Unders
KB Swings (16kg)
12:24 (1st)

Sunday WOD 3:
1.05km Coulee Run
6:21 (3rd)

Sunday WOD 4:
Choose your weight: 75#/85#/95#
AMRAP in 4 min of
From Ground to Overhead
Score = weight x reps
39 reps @ 75# = 2925 (1st)

Overall = 1st

Whew it was nasty. That second workout was the hardest thing I have ever done. But I think I have myself all figured out for these WODs with the 1000m row in them. I've done quite a few of those lately with all these qualifier WODs. Sprint the first 400m, then back off and mix it up between the legs and arms for 100m, sprint, active rest, sprint, active rest.

The run was horrible. I need to work on my butt. That is what failed me. That first sprint up the steep hill was bad. I hit that hill and I instantly went to my hands and bear crawled up it. Once I got to the top it was slow moving for the first 50m or so, but I managed to pick it up on the straight stretch. Started to go back down into the coulee and that was fine. It was better than I thought it would be. I was right behind Heather the entire time, until I hit that last hill up to the finish. About 5 strides up and my legs just wouldn't work. I tried to go but I couldn't . They kept giving out on me. Looks like I'll be doing alot of hill sprints this summer.

I didn't know what to expect for that last workout. I knew that I was going to use the lightest weight regardless of what everyone else was using. I knew that I could keep moving for 4 minutes with the 75# and that's all I could do. Don't stop! I didn't. I was at 12 after one minute, 21 after 2 minutes, and 30 after 3 minutes. I tried to speed it up at get to 40, but couldn't get that last one finished in time. Difficult workout, but gave everything I had. I had no idea how many my competition had done, but knew that Heather used the 85# so I was hoping I did more reps and the math worked in my favor. I barely sneaked it out... she got 33 reps with the 85# for a score of 2805.

Heather and I tied for 1st overall, but the tie breaker was the final workout which I came out ahead. We've been close lately in the workouts at our gym so it didn't suprise me that we ended up tied in the end. Good job Heather! You are great daily competition in the gym and hopefully I'll be able to come to more evening classes in the summer and join you.

I'm back at it tomorrow as I feel rejuvinated mentally and physically. I'll post some videos and pictures when I get the chance to go through those.


  1. Unknown says:
    June 30, 2009 at 4:31 PM

    Out-stand-ing. You are going to be a force for a long time!

  2. Katrina Burton says:
    July 2, 2009 at 9:15 AM

    Thanks Bill!

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