Almost recovered from our competition last weekend. This Saturday and Sunday I participated in the Lethbridge Dragon Boat Festival. Our crew, Spam Filters, qualified into the A final again this year... the only team from Lethbridge to do so. We're also the only unprofessional team to make it there too. Finished that race in 4th place, one spot better than last year. We also won the City Championship... The Spam Filters are now the 2008 & 2009 City Champs!! WHOOP!

CFLA WOD for Monday, July 6, 2009:
SDLHP (65#)
Hip Smashers
Double Unders

Did the set of 21 and 9 unbroken. Had to break up the 15 SDLHP into 2s and 3s. That one was rough on the shoulders.

GOOD LUCK to my friend, Lauren Pryor, who is competing in the CrossFit Games this weekend! Wish I could be there to cheer you on, instead I'll be cheering from home. REPRESENT!

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