Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Starting to get pretty busy.
Monday, July 13
For Total Points:
3 min WB Shots (14#) = 48
6 min Rest
3 min KB Swings (16kg) = 76
6 min Rest
3 min Row (cal) = 40
TOTAL = 164
July 14
Right DB Periscope Lunge (25#)
Left DB Periscope Lunge (25#)
Right DB Hang Power Snatch (25#)
Left DB Hang Power Snatch (25#)
July 16
Calgary Police Test - But Harder
3 Rounds for Points:
1 min Box Jumps = 48/48/48
1 min WB Shots (14#) = 15/9/10
1 min Row = 8/10/8
1 min Deadlift (95#) = 15/15/15
1 min Burpee to Thruster (15#) = 8/5/7
1 min Rest
TOTAL = 269
July 17
3-3-3-3-3 Overhead Squats
AMRAP Strict Pullups 2X54
This week of training has been good. Finished off the week with a bang and a new PR for the OHS. Should have finished off a little heavier because I got that 136# up a little too easily. Next time I'll progress and shoot for a 140-145# 3RM.
Ordered some Oly shoes a while back and hoping they come in next week. I've been waiting to test my 1RM Snatch just so I could use my new shoes.
And last but not least, I'll be attending the CF Gymnastics Cert in Calgary next weekend to help Tucker demo and teach other CrossFitters some drills and gym moves. This next week is going to be pretty exciting!
My workouts from the last week.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65#)
Hip Smashers
Double Unders
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Pullups on the Minute
(1 pullup 1st min, 2 pullups 2nd min, 3 pullups 3rd min, etc)
17 rounds... then I tore. I was finished the pullups in under 30 sec each time. Had way more gas in the tank there was just no point in continuing with a rip. Plus I bet my old score so I was ok with stopping.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
For Time:
30 Tuck Jumps
12 Squat Cleans (95#)
20 Tuck Jumps
9 Squat Cleans
10 Tuck Jumps
6 Squat Clean
20 Burpees
Thursday, July 9, 2009
For Time:
30 BWT Back Squats (110#)
1000m Row
Friday, July 10, 2009
Power Clean Tech Work
1-1-1-1-1 Press... got up to 80#. Still a little sore from the pullups and my rip is cracking everytime I touch something.
The Games are on!! WHOOP!! And the drama has already started. CF Calgary (Brett, Rob C, Geoff, Michelle, Stacey, & Laura) was reported as finishing day 1 of the affiliate competition in 13th place. After reviewing the results, the team noticed an adding error in their final workout (OHS/Pullups). Once that was corrected it bumped them in the final standings up to 5th place!! Only 5 teams qualify to the 2nd day, in the head to head battle for the Affiliate Cup. Congratulations team Calgary, still the top international team AND you're in the finals!!
Good luck to my friends in the individual competition today... Go Lauren, James, Fitzy, DJ, Katy and Chris!
Almost recovered from our competition last weekend. This Saturday and Sunday I participated in the Lethbridge Dragon Boat Festival. Our crew, Spam Filters, qualified into the A final again this year... the only team from Lethbridge to do so. We're also the only unprofessional team to make it there too. Finished that race in 4th place, one spot better than last year. We also won the City Championship... The Spam Filters are now the 2008 & 2009 City Champs!! WHOOP!
CFLA WOD for Monday, July 6, 2009:
SDLHP (65#)
Hip Smashers
Double Unders
Did the set of 21 and 9 unbroken. Had to break up the 15 SDLHP into 2s and 3s. That one was rough on the shoulders.
GOOD LUCK to my friend, Lauren Pryor, who is competing in the CrossFit Games this weekend! Wish I could be there to cheer you on, instead I'll be cheering from home. REPRESENT!