So this morning we woke up to no power. Well actually, Chad came to bed late last night and said the power was out. I didn't think anything of it because I thought it would be back up and running by the morning. Not the case. ZERO power in the entire city of Lethbridge. No power since 1:00am meant the water treatment plant could not process any clean water, so we are working off of the reserves... that should only last 12 hours before the taps run dry. WOW! Never in my life did I think I would experience this kind of chaos!
But as I write this, Chad shot me a text message that we just restored power back at our house at 4:30pm! Today was pretty interesting with no power. I left at 8:00am to see if any of the grocery stores at the other end of the city had power so we had something to eat... nothing and the roads were pure madness!! I shot a text to a friend to see if they had power on the west side... power was restored at 9:15am on that side. I thought that was perfect I could head over to the ONE grocery store with power. No such luck... they had power, but none of the tills were working and it would take a while before they were up and running.
So for breakfast, I had the brilliant idea of cooking on the BBQ. Boil some water on the side burner to make two cups of the FABULOUS Starbucks Instant Coffee and scramble some eggs in our new medal handled frying pans. Probably the best tasting breakfast I have ever eaten. The eggs were amazing! Chad worked his butt off to boil that water on the side burner, because the crazy Lethbridge wind blowing at 60-75km/hour kept blowing out the flame.
We watched the first 1/2 of The Hurt Locker on my netbook before the battery died. Then decided if there was nothing else to do I better get my workout done.
A.) Overhead Squat @4211; 3-5 reps x 5; rest 4 min
115, 120, 130, 135, 140# all for 5 reps
B.) Snatch Balance; 3 reps x 5 @ 80% effort; rest 90 sec
80, 95, 105, 115, 120#
C1.) DB Back Extensions @1010; 20 unbroken x 3; rest 90 sec
10, 15, 15#
C2.) Powell Raises @3011; 6-8/arm x 3; rest 90 sec
15# for 8/8/6 reps
AMRAP Burpees in 30 sec x3; 90 sec rest
18, 15, 14
I video taped my 3 rep snatch balance with 120#, which I will upload later tonight when I get home from work.