The hosts of CF Saskatoon were amazing; offering Tucker and I rides to and from the hotel and the gym, bringing us lunch to the cert while I busted my butt in workouts during the break, and pretty much offering anything they could to make our stay the best possible. Thanks to Ian and Chad for that!
The hosts of CF Saskatoon were amazing; offering Tucker and I rides to and from the hotel and the gym, bringing us lunch to the cert while I busted my butt in workouts during the break, and pretty much offering anything they could to make our stay the best possible. Thanks to Ian and Chad for that!
It's been a busy couple of weeks. I've been meaning to sit down and update my blog, but something comes up that is more important and posting gets pushed to the side.
So this morning we woke up to no power. Well actually, Chad came to bed late last night and said the power was out. I didn't think anything of it because I thought it would be back up and running by the morning. Not the case. ZERO power in the entire city of Lethbridge. No power since 1:00am meant the water treatment plant could not process any clean water, so we are working off of the reserves... that should only last 12 hours before the taps run dry. WOW! Never in my life did I think I would experience this kind of chaos!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A.) Work up to a heavy 3 rep Deadlift (NOT a 3RM) = 210# (PR)
B1.) Power Clean @ 12X1; 3-5 reps x 5; 120 sec rest
95(5), 105(5), 110(5), 120(5), 125(3)... I'm pretty sure I could get the 125# probably even the 130# had I found my chalk bucket (it's been missing since th Sectionals and I KNOW I brought it home). Power cleans, heck any Olympic lift is crazy difficult with these small hands and no chalk!
B2.) Rings Dips @ 31X1; amrap (-1) x 5; 120 sec rest
10, 10, 10, 9, 8
C.) Fit ball hamstring curls; 15 reps x 5; 90 sec rest
Subbed these for GH Raises as I have no access to the GHD quite yet
Rest 20 min
4:28 (PR)
New PR by 4 seconds... surprisingly I am not as sore as I thought I would be this morning! Huge bonus!
Two workouts today as well, but those are going to have to wait. I'm teaching at a gymnastics seminar for recreational coaches all day today. Have time for some skill practice during lunch then will kick it tonight!
My favorite Olympic Weightlifter, Melanie Roach... Why is she my favorite? Well she used to be a competitive gymnast before turning to the sport of Olympic Lifting. She is the first American to Clean & Jerk two times her bodyweight!!
Today's workout was exactly the reason why you can't make your game plan based on the numbers and scores other people are posting!
10 Rounds of Time:
(cannot push the weight down until one arm is complete)
Right SA DB Power Snatch 30# x1
Right SA DB OHS x1
Right SA DB Split Jerk x1
Right SA DB Thruster x1
Right SA DB Front Squat x 1
Left SA DB Power Snatch x1
Left SA DB OHS x1
Left SA DB Split Jerk x1
Left SA DB Thruster x1
Left SA DB Front Squat x1
I went in thinking that this one will obviously get harder as the rounds go by... simply not the case for me. My balance was good with the one DB overhead in the OHS and both arms were equally balanced in terms of strength. I rocked this one!! I really enjoy these weight complex type workouts (well at least when it is a weight I can manage).
One of my idols, James FitzGerald. He has the "complete package". He has the best talent, work ethic, and mental focus I have ever seen in an athlete. People know when he walks into a room and without knowing anything about him you can tell he is a great athlete.
James "OPT" Fitzgerald from CrossFit Central on Vimeo.
Today was my first day back at training after taking a much needed week off to rest the sore quads from Sectionals. I should have been back on Saturday, but I was busy with my gymnast's competition in Edmonton (The Triple Flip Wild Rose International).
A.1) Back Squat @40X0; 2-3 reps x 6; rest 2 min
All 3 reps: 145, 150, 155, 160, 170, 175# (PR!)
A2.) Weighted Chinup @21X0; 1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 2 min
25, 35, 42.5, 47.5, 52.5, 55# (PR!)
B1.) DB Russian Step Up; 10-12/leg x 4; rest 60 sec
12 reps/leg and 20#/hand for all
B2.) Vertical Plane Chinups; 25 reps x 4; rest 60 sec
All sets unbroken
C.) GHD Situps; 2121; 25 reps x 3; rest 120 sec
No GHD at home, so I subbed three different situp styles... Swiss ball, Janda, and V-Snaps
Legs felt strong today, which was surprising actually because of the beating they took at the Sectionals and how weak my back squats were the week leading up to the Sectionals. Played with a different bar and hand position for the back squats. I need more practice with this as my shoulder flexibility is a hinderance here.
Ever since graduating from the University of Lethbridge with a degree in Kinesiology, I've wanted to perform the following research study: The Corelation Between Limb Length and Rope Climbing Speed (with and without foot assistance).
Well.... good news!!! This week I'm going to begin my research. I have over 20 of my own gymnasts between the ages of 5 and 12 years to measure and record results. After recording my athletes, I will ask the coaches of the Norfort Gymnastics Club in Fort McMurray to assist me by providing the results of their athletes.