
Well I've started back training. Two workouts completed since the regionals.

Monday, June 14, 2010
A.) Find 1RM Close Grip Bench Press = 120# (tied PR)
B.) Find 1RM Behind the Neck Seated Overhead Press = 80#
C.) Find 1RM Strict Supinated Pullup = 60# (PR by 8#)
D.) DB Ext Rot @ 3010 - amrap/arm one try with 10% of CGBP = 10 R & 13 L

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A.) Tall Squat Clean - 5 sets of 3; rest 90 sec (work speed not load) = 85#
B1.) Front squat Cluster @ 30X0; x 4; rest 120 sec = 110#, 105#, 105#, 105#
B2.) 10 UB Wall Ball Shots (14#)
C.) GHD Situps @ 2010; 25 reps x 4; rest 90 sec

Pretty stoked that I hit a huge weighted pullups PR on my first day back since regionals and a two week break from training. Feeling pretty good, but I'm not rushing into anything too hardcore. This year I will be concentrating on alot of my weaknesses and getting them up there and feeling pretty damn confident with evry skill should it pop up [while still hoping that HSPU, muscle ups and C2B pullups are in the comp WODS :)]

Goals for 2011:
1a.) 40 UB Wall Ball Shots with 14# to 10' target
1b.) Sub 9:00 "Karen"
2. Run in two 5km races this year
3.) 170# Front Squat
4.) 155# Clean & Jerk
5.) 125# Snatch
6.) Compete in one Olympic Lifting Competition
7.) 250# Deadlift
8.) 140# Bench Press
9.) Compete in the qualifying round(s) for the 2011 CrossFit Games

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